
Example code

The source code for this tutorial can be found in the the ScalaFX Tutorials project properties.

ScalaFX Properties

A property holds a value whose changes can be observed. Properties can be bound together - when one changes, the other changes too. You can also create binding expressions - when one of the component properties changes, the value of the whole expression changes too.

There are predefined properties for the basic types: BooleanProperty, DoubleProperty, FloatProperty, IntegerProperty, LongProperty, and StringProperty. There is also a generic property that can hold any object: ObjectProperty.

You quickly create a property with a factory method:

val speed = DoubleProperty(55)

Or using a constructor:

val speed = new DoubleProperty(this, "speed", 55)

The value of a property can be accessed using the value method or the () operator. The following two statements are equivalent:


Adding Listeners

The value of a property can be observed by adding a listener. The listener is added by passing a closure to the onChange method:

speed.onChange { (source, oldValue, newValue) => doSomething() }

The first argument to the closure is a reference to the changed property, the other two are the old and the new value.

Let’s create a property with a listener that prints the old and new values, then change the property’s value a few times to see what happens:

  val speed = new DoubleProperty(this, "speed", 55) {
    onChange { (_, oldValue, newValue) =>
        s"Value of property '$name' is changing from $oldValue to $newValue")

  speed() = 60
  speed() = 75
  speed.value = 25

When you execute that code you will see:

Value of property 'speed' is changing from 55.0 to 60.0
Value of property 'speed' is changing from 60.0 to 75.0
Value of property 'speed' is changing from 75.0 to 25.0

The complete code is in the Properties101 example.

Removing Listeners

A subscription handle lets you remove a listener. A subscription is created for every listener added to a property. When you no longer need to the listen, you “cancel” the subscription:

val prop = DoubleProperty(0)

val subscription = prop.onChange { (_, _, newValue) =>
             println(s"Property changed value to $newValue")

prop.value = 1

// Listener will not be notified about this change
prop.value = 2

Property Binding

You can make a property change its value when another propery changes by binding them together. The binding can be unidirectional:

a <== b

when the value of property b changes, the value of property a will change to the same value, but not the other way around.

Bindings can also be bidirectional:

 c <==> d

When the value of c changes, the value of d will change too. When d changes, c will change too.

Binding are one of the most important features of JavaFX. ScalaFX makes binding notation much more expressive.

Binding Expressions

A property can also bind an expression created from other properties. Consider a formula for computing the area of a triangle: area = (base * height) / 2

Assume that we want to recompute the value of the area every time base or height changes. First define properties:

  val base   = DoubleProperty(15)
  val height = DoubleProperty(10)
  val area   = DoubleProperty(0)

ScalaFX overloads arithmetic operators, +, -, * and /, for numeric properties, so they can be used to build binding expressions. Binding expressions in turn can be bound to a property:

area <== base * height / 2

Here base * height / 2 is a binding expression. A binding expression needs to start with a property (or binding expression), but it can also have regular numbers or variables (as long as they are not at the very beginning).

Here is an example:

  val base   = DoubleProperty(15)
  val height = DoubleProperty(10)
  val area   = DoubleProperty(0)

  area <== base * height / 2


  println("Setting base to " + 20)
  base() = 20


  println("Setting height to " + 5)
  height() = 5


When you run it you will get following output:

base = 15.0, height = 10.0, area =  75.0

Setting base to 20
base = 20.0, height = 10.0, area = 100.0

Setting height to 5
base = 20.0, height =  5.0, area =  50.0

The complete code is in the BindingExpressions example.

You can also use min and max in binding expressions. For comparison, there are the binding expression operators <, <=, >, >=, === (equals), =!= (not equals) that create boolean binding expressions. You can also use &&, ||, and ! in boolean binding expressions.

when (…) choose … otherwise …

A ternary binding expression has the general form:

  when(cond) choose(value1) otherwise(value2)

you can think about it as a if(cond) then(value1) else(value2) expression, though if/then/else are keywords in Scala, so when/choose/otherwise are used instead. For instance, if we want to change the color of a Rectangle when the cursor is positioned above it, we can use when/choose/otherwise to select its color. The Rectangle has a hover property that is true when the cursor is above the rectangle. The color of the rectangle is determined by the value of the fill property. Let’s bind fill to an when/choose/otherwise expression that, depending on the value of hover property, will change its color to Green or Red:

new Rectangle {
  fill <== when (hover) choose Green otherwise Red

In general, the condition can be any Boolean binding expression (here we just have a property hover). The complete code is in the WhenChooseOtherwiseExpression example.

There is more…

Binding expressions can also be created for String and object properties. If you have some very specific need you can create a custom binding expression. Let’s say that you want the binding expression to convert the source string to upper case. A custom binding is created using Bindings.createStringBinding(func: () => String, dependencies: Observable*).

val a = new StringProperty()
val b = Bindings.createStringBinding(
          () => Option(a.value).getOrElse("").toLowerCase(),

a.value = "Hello"
println(s"Setting `a` to ${a.value}, `b` = ${b.value}")

Note, we use Option to guard against NullPointerException. The complete code is in the CustomStringBinding example.

There are many additional examples in the ProScalaFX project, Chapter 3.